Our conversations are Outcomes

What happened to the Open Space weekend?A lot actually.....I find myself looking for very quick outcomes. That word, "outcome" is a panic word for me. In my panicked mind an outcome is always a big new "doing" thing. But outcomes can be many and varied.The life and community changing outcome of the open space is the power of ongoing conversations we began on the weekend. So many people reported their delight at having the time to relax and enjoy a conversation around a passion that captivated them as a christian. Those ongoing conversations are outcomes!This weekend sees a group of women away together sharing what God is doing in their lives and studying what He says about their identity.While not totally birthed through the weekend it is an outcome affirmed by one of the conversations there.The "Whole of church" events that have been decided on for the centenary year have been focused and clarified by the weekend conversations. Next weeks Musing will outline the scope of those activities.Another Open Space conversation has generated an enthusiasm around developing St Philips in preparation for the next century. Some people are seeing visions and dreaming dreams (Joel 2:28) that are necessary for a Kingdom of God sized future. Good on them says I! It's a conversation we need to have and the weekend has made it a possibility.Last weekend I spoke from Psalm 34 about David bearing testimony to God's preservation and power over him and his dynasty by saving him from almost certain destruction. This experience had become a part of the national story; an example to all Israel of their value to God and expectation that He will save and prosper them into the future.David's personal testimony of God's hand in his life had a huge outcome on the national stage. Our testimonies, stories and conversations of what God is doing and calling us to be and do fuels his purpose for us in the world. What an outcome!Thanks to those who have shared their stories with me this week of how God is at work in them. The challenge is to listen to one another carefully, to invite further conversation around interesting questions and keep sharing stories of what is happening. Our attitude in conversation is to grow in sympathy to one another and to Gods chief purpose that; "they'll know you belong to me because they see how you love one another". What an outcome!In Jesus' AdventureMalcolm