Do something different to make things change

In a passing conversation someone said, "I never hear you speak about repentance".Now, my unrepentant response to that would be something like, "if you were here every week you would know that's not true." Of course, I am big into repentance so I would not respond in such an unrepentant fashion - Tongue planted firmly in cheek - sinful man I am.Repent or repentance appears over 70 times in the New Testament, predominantly in the gospels, Acts and Revelation and it's a truth that has become confused through Monty Pythonesque "turn or burn"parody.To repent does mean to turn, to change ones mind (I'm tempted to tell a husband and wife joke but I'm too scared of burning) or, on the basis of the evidence, to reconsider ones position so an entirely new and opposed position is adopted. A repentant person is a willing person. Unrepentant people are often in scripture referred to as hard hearted. God says of his whole people, Israel, "I will turn your heart of stone...." (Ezk 11:19)Repentance in the New Testament is a willingness to turn away from self (sin is usually an inordinate self interest) towards God and his interest. It is fundamentally about governance; who is the ruler here?As I reflect on the above as a 20+year Christian, I have a lot of repenting to do ..... everyday!"Repentant" is an orientation, a way of life for those who have turned away from self government towards the Lordship of Jesus. That happened for me a long time ago and I take it just as seriously now as then. If you have never changed your mind about who is Lord of your life and handed over the reins to Jesus do it now! It's essential for his transforming Spirit to find a home in you.If, like me, you gave your life to Jesus ages ago, I bet, like me you are like the living sacrifice spoken about in Romans 12:1,2. I bet you squirm off the sacrificial alter everyday at every opportunity like Ido. Well, REPENT! Stop it! Just Stop it! Turn back to Jesus.For the Christian repentance becomes more and more fundamental to our lifestyle. Mark 1:15 links repentance, an open mind willing to act, with believing. We turn from something to someone. We don't focus on the loss to us but to the gain we have together. Most conversations I have involve repentance - observing, reflecting, considering options for change or improvement and believing - who can I share this with?What plans need to be made? What am I going to do differently and by when?That's repent and believe and Mark 1 says this process brings the kingdom of God.If you want something different to happen in your life you will need to do something different. This is the imperative if you are to see a breakthrough. This is repentance in action. But here's the rub; it will always seem to be away from self interest, comfort or benefit and towards Christlikeness. This is faith. This is where God reveals his pleasure and we receive his "well done". That's a risk well worth taking.In Jesus AdventureMalcolm