James Duff June 1st 2014 - live generously and bless people by serving MusingsSherrie YapJune 1, 2014James DuffComment
Lesley Wilson 27th April 2014 - 'Hip Resurrection' MusingsSherrie YapApril 27, 2014Lesley WilsonComment
Malcolm Potts April 20th 2014 - Easter Sunday "But God..." MusingsSherrie YapApril 20, 2014Malcolm PottsComment
Paul Armishaw April 13th 2014 - Stillpoint Communities MusingsSherrie YapApril 13, 2014stillpointComment
Margaret Armitage Musing 30 March 2014 - Farewell MusingsSherrie YapMarch 30, 2014Margaret ArmitageComment
James Duff 23rd March 2014 - "CYNICISM is nothing to Bragg about" MusingsSherrie YapMarch 23, 2014James DuffComment