Barb Totterdell May 6th 2018 ~ Prayer Requests
It's the end of the first week of Term 2 in the school year. I wonder what that means for you? Are you even aware of it? I find it fascinating how things like that have so much relevance when we are in particular life stages or in specific jobs or contexts, and then how out of touch you can get with those things at other times in life. Some of the ministries that I'm currently involved in are strongly impacted by the rhythm of the school terms so I'm really conscious of it.This week, seven members of our congregation met with the Deputy Principal and the Chaplain of North Cottesloe Primary School to be briefed on our role as volunteers in the school. All together, nine people from our congregation will be involved within this school community, starting in a couple of weeks time - listening to children read, supervising the nature play area at lunchtime, mentoring. Please pray for us in these new roles, that we will be the light of Christ in this school that we would have such a long history with as a church community.Pray also for the Chaplain at North Cottesloe, Naomi Fulton, also for Jane Duff, the Chaplain at Cottesloe Primary School. Pray, too, for our young people as they attend and are shaped by their schools, for parents in their participation in their participation and teachers in their roles in this communities. Following our meeting at North Cottesloe Primary School, Malcolm headed off to a Youthcare Board meeting. Do pray for him in his involvement on this board.This Sunday a new term starts for our Kidschurch and Youth ministries. Kieran and I met with some of our Sunday youth leaders last week. They are people with a passion to see our young people come to know Jesus, to grow in their relationship with Him and to know that they belong in this church community. Our Kidschurch and Crèche leaders are likewise invested. Thanks so much to all of you who are part of these ministries. Please pray for our young people and their leaders.Beginning this week, we are (re)starting a fortnightly Friday night youth group. As we begin this ministry, we are so aware of the need for prayer. Will you join with us in this? There’s lots you could pray but a few things would be: that Jesus would be at the centre of all that we do; that this would be a context to grow wholehearted disciples of Jesus and deep authentic relationships; for clarity of purpose and unity for the team; for excitement and anticipation in the youth; for the logistics and planning; for protection.So many exciting opportunities to join God in what He is doing in the world. We look forward to seeing what He will do in all these situations as we continue to seek God and step out together. Blessings, Barb