Barb Totterdell April 8th 2018 ~ Conversation
What conversations have you had recently? Have you had some conversations that leave you deeply encouraged? What about challenged? And what have you offered into those conversations?I've had a number of precious conversations over the last couple of weeks. Precious but not necessarily comfortable. One such conversation was initiated by someone who'd had a sense from God regarding me. Gently and carefully initiated and offered. Sensitive stuff handled with love. Definitely a risk. I'm so thankful that the person took the risk. I'm thankful that she considered how her own perspectives impacted the content of the conversation and that she offered what she had to say with humility. I'm also blessed by her willingness to be engaged in the response. And I'm pleased that I was able to hear and respond well to all of that (not always the case!). It has brought us closer and enabled me to step further into what God has for and through me. The conversation that we had also brought a different perspective on some things for the person who initiated it.Another precious conversation was initiated by someone as we ate a meal together. She asked me about whether and how I'd experienced healing from a situation in my life. After I shared about the way God had worked healing in me about that situation and how I'd cooperated with Him in that, she shared a situation in her life that had prompted her question and we explored together what freedom and life might look like for her in that, considering what the Bible said about it as we spoke. Out of our conversation, she went away with some action points and we prayed together about those things and that God would be at work in the situation. Again, some risk involved and a willingness to hear and respond. Again, a conversation that brought us closer and that will lead to good Kingdom outcomes.Precious, rich conversations and ones which are already bearing fruit. The kind of conversations that we are urged to have with one another as the Body of Christ. Risk taking, deep and real sharing, listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying, invitation and challenge, humility, active presence with one another, shaped by Scripture, steeped in prayer. And followed up by responses of obedience to what God’s saying, support and accountability.How have your recent conversations been? I wonder which of the things I've mentioned in here you might helpfully be mindful about over the coming weeks? As we know, conversations like these are precious for the participants and bear deep fruit for the world … and bring God glory. They are so worth it.Blessings, Barb