Malcolm Potts March 6th 2016 ~ Gospel

On Tuesday night we started our first week of the Ridley Certificate Course.  The Ridley Certificate is a proper theological qualification aimed at the average punter in the pews.  When you have done six subjects you get a qualification.  Each subject has six sessions which we share as a group.  I am hoping to offer three subjects this year.Last year we covered a Bible Overview.  This term we are looking at what Matthew's gospel has to say about Jesus and discipleship.GospelDefnI was a bit daunted when Bethany presented me with a 39-page booklet for our first session.  The booklet contained definitions of "the gospel" - 39 pages of definitions!Christians use the word "gospel" a lot.  I wonder what your definition of the gospel would be?  Feel free to add to the 39 pages.We got through that exercise relatively painlessly.  I was really challenged by the second half of the teaching which asked the question, "How does the gospel change us?"The speaker used the analogy of sport.  She said Aussies used to be one of the biggest sports participation countries on the planet.  Now we are one of the biggest sports watching countries on the planet.  From participation to watching.  She wonders if that is not what Christians are like?  Jesus says, come and play but we come and watch.The teacher used the narrative of Jesus calling his disciples off the lake and the nets to follow him [Matt 4:18-22].  She explained how the New Testament uses the word ‘follow’ as a synonym for disciple.  Disciples follow Jesus.  There is no other category for Christians.  No such thing as a bit of a follower, or a watching follower, or an on-my-terms follower.The teacher made the following observations:Firstly, followers are called by Jesus.  It's not your idea.  He calls, you follow.Secondly, you follow a person - a real person who has authority over all things, your family, your business, your destiny.Third, NO WATCHING.  No ‘couch-surfing’ was her term.  Christians live lives in the world with Jesus every minute of every day.  "This is my beloved Son, listen to him," is the non-optional call.Fourth - and here is the real kicker that got me - Jesus demands a "radical reprioritisation".  Leave at once, immediately!  He never makes himself an add-on to your game.  He is the source of radical hope.  There is no other.  Who is it for?  Everyone - every follower, all shapes and sizes, all the time. The promise?  I will give you life, life to the full.I found this a good reminder.  Jesus defines everything.  Do you need to do some redefining of things in your life?  Are you spiritually flat?  Is it because Jesus has become your First Mate rather than your Captain?A radio jock was reflecting on what a bunch of whiners West Aussies are: too hot, too many cyclists, too expensive, the new hospital is rubbish, the government is rubbish, we don't need a new footy ground, too many cars etc.Are you a whinger?  Is it because we are watchers not players?  We have choices: how we live and what we prioritise.Jesus’ antidote?  Follow a fresh, radical reprioritisation.Blessings in your challenge.Malcolm