James Duff October 4th 2015 ~ Opportunities
Stephen R. Covey wrote,The root of opportunity is port, meaning the entryway by water into a city or place of business. In earlier days, when the tide and winds were right and the port opened, it allowed entry to do commerce, to visit, or to invade and conquer. But only those who recognized the opening could take advantage of the open port, or opportunity. Recognising opportunities is an art form and all people and communities can grow in recognising them and taking advantage of them.This week we celebrated and launched Paul Gill’s new book Opening the Doors: A Prison Chaplain’s Life on the Inside. Paul recognised an opportunity and by faith in God, his dream was realised. Paul was able to capture an opportunity even though he considers himself one of the least likely people to author a book. The launch was a great success and both Malcolm and I are very thankful to Gary Davidson and the many others who took advantage of the opportunity to host the launch of this book.At St Philips we frequently have opportunities present themselves. We don’t always take advantage of them but the staff team and the Parish Council are often watching for them and asking questions that will help ground them. However, we need the whole church to be working together, looking for opportunities and asking questions that help capture them.I am more convinced than ever that it is the quality of the questions we ask ourselves and each other that determine the outcome. Currently we are facing an opportunity that to many would only be seen as a hindrance. If we keep tracking the way we are, our current staff structure will change significantly by the end of this year. It will mean our staff team is reduced. One reality is that either Malcolm or I will have to leave the church and take up the next opportunity that God presents. Our financial position means we are having to think creatively of ways we can move forward as a church community. We are praying that today we will all buy in to capture the opportunity that presents itself.This morning Malcolm will fill out in detail the opportunities that lie before us. He will remind us of the time the disciples felt out of control, fearful about their very existence. This was an opportunity for the greatest opportunist, Jesus, to bring clarity, order and hope.As Malcolm speaks from his heart this morning, I plead with you to listen for the opportunities presenting themselves. To help you get into the right frame of mind before Malcolm begins, two great questions to ask yourself are: God what are you saying? And what do you want me/us to do about it? These are powerful questions. They help us see situations the way God does and they invite the Holy Spirit to renew our minds (Rom. 12:2).God blessJames