Who's eyes am I great in?

I was thinking today how bizarrely passionate I am NOT to be great in God's eyes. Yes! That's what I said! I am passionate not to be great in God's eyes.I know this because I know what I am passionate about. As I think about what I talk about and pray about and even work towards, it is mostly getting my will done. If I am honest, doing what I want, what I think matters and getting others to either agree or, better still, join in, is what I am passionate about!What about you? Are you any different to me?Actually, I know most people are just like me. Most of us are dreaming our dreams and doing our things. Many, even most, of our things are good, honourable even. Some of them we have deep convictions about and would even say we have been 'called' to do them. But interestingly this is not what makes us great in God's eyes.I was remembering back to when I was a young Christian who was dominated by my truckload of good ideas. Then I went and spent two years living in close quarters with 20 others just like me. I've never spent so much time with so many stupid people ...... in my eyes.I look back on my years living in community and shudder at the arrogant, proud, self-absorbed, blow-hard that was me......is me.I don't shudder at that person negatively. He was who he was. He was doing his best with who God had made him and what he knew. He was learning and could only learn by living in such challenging circumstances. That young turk was opening himself to being changed. He wanted to be great in God's eyes. He just wasn't that enthused by the path God had asked him to walk to get there.I'm going to put a new sign on the back of our toilet door. Instead of having jokes or my next big idea, I am going to have Mark 10:43 on the door: "If you want to be great in God's kingdom you must serve." Then I'm going to have two questions: Who does God want me to serve today? and How does God want me to serve today?Why am I doing this? Well, because I want to be greater than you of course! (Doh! Will he ever get it?)Love and prayers as we honour those who serve our city, state and nation today.Malcolm