The remedy for lost joy
As Christine and I drove around the Diocese of Armidale we were often taken by the blossoms of trees flowering randomly along the main roads and standing alone in the paddocks. The colours were stunning – pinks, purples, whites abounded, and in some trees colours are combined and blended. It was a fascinating exercise to ponder how they got there. Were they the result of discarded seeds thrown from cars? or dropped by opportunistic birds? or planted near houses that no longer exist? Whatever their origin, one thing is for sure: seeds continue to grow, shoots continue to bloom and God displays His unmistakeably splendid handiwork yet again.How fortunate we are to have these constant reminders of His consistency and glory before us. God not only supplies our needs season by season but He also delights to gladden our eyes and display before us myriad sights that give us pleasure amidst the mundane, troubles and unexpected aspects of life. Whether we see these as delights from His generous hand is up to us. If life is the result of mere chance and random coincidences we will be unlikely to delight in God’s handiwork and rob ourselves of a veritable treasure trove of pleasures. One of our endemic problems in Australia, is anhedonia - that inability to find pleasure in the simple and ordinary things of life. What we used to call the law of diminishing returns, anhedonia is caused in the main by our growing dependence on electronic means of communication. We may have 100 Facebook ‘friends’ but no face-to-face friends to talk to, hang out with, or company we can enjoy. Our brain’s pleasure centre, overstimulated by the demands of iPods, mobile phones, the internet and the like, needs more and more stimulation in order to derive pleasure. On the other hand, God gives us many real time pleasures to enjoy, at a pace we can handle, process and savour. The remedy for this endemic problem that has seen a quarter of American teenagers on anti-depressants is greatly enhanced by a simple gratitude to God for the many wonders of creation and daily provision that He so kindly placards before us every day. The budding flower, the sunrise, the stunning sunset, our daily bread (not to mention daily cake, chocolate, croissants), the rain, running water and the sounds of birds combine to offer us delight every day.When Jesus exhorts us to consider the works and the splendour of the lilies (Luke 12) He is inviting us to find pleasure in observing creation and being reminded of the Heavenly Father’s daily, ongoing care. Add to this the joys of real friendships with the opportunity to help and be helped, to speak and to listen, to weep and to laugh and we are truly fortunate indeed. Yet there is an even deeper pleasure open to us if we are followers of Jesus. It is that of relating to the Creator, not in a vague, distant or mechanical fashion but as a child to their Heavenly Father, as a forgiven sinner to our eternal Saviour the Lord Jesus. From this pleasure we will never tire, for God, true to His Word, is trustworthy, gracious and full of delightful treats for those who lovingly trust Him.Warmest greetings in ChristPeter Brain