It's busy-ness!

It is only two Sundays until Cheryl and I head off for 10 weeks long service leave and a lot has to happen between now and then- and is happening right now!For instance, this week on Tuesday night  over 60 women enjoyed a fantastic evening at St Philips, “encouraging one another all the more as Jesus’ return draws near”.Then on Wednesday morning another group headed up to the Civic Centre at first light to join me in the annual ANZAC Service.And, there’s a lot on today at St Philips - a lot of doing!Firstly, we welcome Michael Stuart from Bush Church Aid. BCA make sure that Christ is present and proclaimed in places that otherwise would not have the resources.The Potts’ had a great time in Newman in the 1990’s as part of a BCA church.  We all helped run things on Sundays and then would line up the ‘4 wheel drives’ and bash our way out to a pristine water hole somewhere in the ancient Pilbara wilderness.  A great way to support one another spiritually and reach out to others.And also today, we welcome James and Jane Duff and Willow, Angus and Hugh Duff!  “I hope you have fun looking at us. I am sure you will remember today as a once in a lifetime “weird or surreal” experience.  We welcome you as you consider us and we consider you.”There are many at St Philips very excited to see and welcome the Duff family. Make sure you join in a cuppa straight after church and meet James and Jane and the boys.Then, when you we finish morning tea, why not join our Annual Meeting?! We may as well make a real morning of it.  Please come and affirm the elected leaders of this fine community.  Join with me at that meeting in praying for them as they step forward to serve you for the next year.Congratulations to the 120 who chose to enrol as Members this year.  We know many choose not to and respect that.  For those who have, we welcome your input and participation as you exercise your influence.I know talking to some of you that your lives too are deeply entwined in what is happening next - houses, gardens, families, kids, grand kids and pets, bookings and sorting.  A lot on!So……what does all this mean to Jesus?  What would Jesus make of your busy life and mine?We all know that “busyness can be barren”, though it doesn’t have to be. Where is my heart? Where am I abiding? Where am I recharging? These are the questions I ask myself.  I am much tougher on myself around these questions than on how much I should, ought or need to be doing. That comes naturally, abiding doesn’t!

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I go to God/ bible/space/prayer/nature.  If my “doing” is out of balance with my “being” I will become barren. When Jesus says in John 12, “Those who serve me must follow me”, it is easy to get caught up by the “serving”.  Jesus is interested in the “following”.  How do I know? Because of the next thing he says; “where I am, that’s where my follower will BE!Are you where Jesus is?  Or are you just “doing stuff”?Blessings
