Round the circle again....

A warm welcome to Peter Adam this morning. Peter has been challenging and changing my life for nearly 30 years now. As a preacher first, then lecturer when I studied theology and now as frequent visitor to Perth where he teaches, encourages and (for me) models consistent, faithful, enduring testimony that a life trusting Jesus for everything really works.This week’s musing must be read in conjunction with last week’s  in which I referred to an article from The Melbourne Anglican, written by a Baptist, entitled “Church Will Perish if We Wait For Youth to Come”. You can read it on line at you might find a spare at the back of the church.The biggest challenge with respect to engaging the next generation for Jesus is that we see the difficulties and cannot see what role the mature have to play.To conclude, The Melbourne Anglican article makes four strategic points about engaging the younger generation.Firstly, am I prepared to cross a barrier, sacrifice anything of myself or be inconvenienced in any way?  Because, our friend says, unless I look something like Jesus in the way I live my life out there, forget it!  And don’t use excuses! Call it what it is – I’m just not interested; it’s too hard; too scary, get lost! Now, I’m not talking about you here, that’s how I feel.  Young people terrify me!  Let’s at least have a chat about why we don’t like the thought of engaging younger people, or, if we love it, how do you do it?Secondly, open your eyes to halfway people who work with youth - a teacher, chaplain, outreach or youth worker, even a parent who likes and appreciates you – your ‘people of peace’ [Luke 10:1-12].  Converse with them as to what they see the issues being, their issues and needs.  Is there something you can offer to “insert yourself into the scars of their world to bring life and hope”? [Cool phrase, eh?].Thirdly, when you’ve done your pastoral surveying, bring what you have discovered - where is the need, what is lacking, is there something our parish needs now that we might be able to do?  In your small group at church, commit to sustained prayer.  What can you [plural] do that is easy; manageable; supportive?Fourthly, have a church discussion about priorities.  Should you be spending more time outside the church investing in those that God has or seems to be leading you towards?Let’s try and learn by talking it roud the cirle with many others how you can ‘gossip’ the good news into the new places you’ve allowed Jesus to open to you.  Connect their story and experience with God’s bigger story that includes them. If you listen well, you will hear loads of “God” touch-points. The good news?  I see this happening everywhere amongst you - grannies taking up RE in schools; men’s groups and bike groups including others so belonging comes before believing; Connectors and play groups making life with faith a no-brainer; grandparents making discipling the young part of their everyday life; a church that does its absolute best to welcome people.But what about the flame spreading to youth with no Christian contact points at all?  Please talk it around.In the Adventure.Chicken Little [Malcolm]