What a time of year! The sun is shining, the footy finals are here and depending on the Eagles v Carlton result, I will be a happy boy OR many of you Eaglets will be.I never cease to be amazed at the world we live in. I received the most extra-ordinary text message on my phone the others day. It read, “Hi Malcolm, Andrew Watts here. Found your sermons on iTunes !! Just been listening to you talk about Apocalypse as I fly over India in the middle of the night. Realizing that I had all the tools to achieve an apocalypse right in my hands!! You were a lot more interesting than Indian Air Traffic Control ......Ain’t technology a beaut? Salaams from The Abode of Peace.”Here’s Andrew, a neighbour just up the road, flying jets internationally, finding my talks and listening to them flying over India AND texting me from 30 000 feet to tell me about it!We can get lost in our own grandeur, can’t we? I can come to expect a painless life where clever people invent amazing machines that can “fix it”. But it’s all a lie. It’s Babel like. Is there anything we cannot do? Well actually, yes, there are thousands of things I cannot do: simple things like live simply, act honestly and justly, embrace diversity, love God wholeheartedly, think about others more than myself.On holidays Cheryl started discovering native orchids with names like the Rabbit Orchid and the Swamp Donkey Orchid, for good reasons. Their beauty is beyond human imagination. One orchid is no bigger than your pinky finger but up its stem there are a dozen or more miniature flowers. Real orchid flowers about the size of pin heads.
The Swamp Donkey Orchid
Most of the native orchids no one will ever see yet they display the wonder, the grandeur, the glory of God. Even more wonderful than Andrew’s text from over India somewhere. He loves the things he has made. They’re his gift for us to celebrate Him and his glory. He is the master, He is the creator, He is the technical genius and the pinnacle of his genius is us and his infinite love for us.Rather than getting lost in my own stuff can I encourage you to take time out with me to get lost in God’s goodness. Carn the Blues!Malcolm