Happy (Heavenly) Father's Day
Well, happy Fathers’ Day to all you dads out there! By the time you read this I shall (hopefully) have been fed breakfast in bed and discovered what delights Sarah and Matthew have been manufacturing at school over the last couple of weeks. They’ve been very excited about the surprise they’ve prepared for me!This morning we come together to celebrate our heavenly Father and I wonder if this engenders the same excitement within us? We are coming to worship the living God, and as we do so it should take our focus off ourselves – all our busyness, worries and concerns – and place it firmly on Him. This is a good thing. As we spend time celebrating who God is and what He has done we are re-oriented. Our priorities are shaken up, our worries are put in perspective.Just as my kids will derive a great deal of excitement (and benefit) from Fathers’ Day, so worshipping God should be an exciting prospect, after all it is a foretaste of heaven!I am often overwhelmed with love for my kids, and it fills me with joy when I see the effort they put in to make a day like today special. It’s not about the product, it’s about the heart behind it. In the same way God is overjoyed when we come to Him in worship, turning our hearts towards our Father and celebrating Him. It’s the best thing we can do.Enjoy the Father’s love today,Andy