Dolly & Christohper Kirubakaran - Hear their Story, 18th July
Dolly and Christopher Kirubakaran
of Genesis Media Training Association, Delhi
In Association with HCJB Australia
Hear Their Story 
7:30 Monday, July 18th
St Philips Anglican Church
Dolly and Christopher Kirubakaran from GMTA, HCJB’s ministry partner in India, will be visiting Australia early July to mid August 2011. This is a unique and unprecedented opportunity to hear first hand about the impact that HCJB’s broadcasts are having on the people of this country!Dolly and Christohper Kirubakaran produce radio programs in 15 Indian languages for short wave transmission via HCJB's Broadcast Facility in Western Australia. They also produce a successful FM program aired each Sunday night on All Indian Radio."Short wave listener in India respond to our programs with thousands of emails, letter, phone calls and SMS texts, testifying to changed outlooks and lives! We are thankful for our partnership with HCJB."Enquires for this event: John Watt: 9385 3634 / 0411 448 822For info on their other Australian dates in Victoria and Queensland go to HCJB's site