Prayer is amazing
On the first Sunday of each month a small group of us take church to the local coffee shop. What brings us together is the fact that we are involved in education and committed to supporting each other in our work. Over coffee we share what God is doing, the challenges we are facing and encourage each other in prayer.Over the last 18 months, we have met most months and marveled at His creation as we sat by the beach, seen Him answer prayer in each of our roles and been encouraged by His grace in our lives. Specific answers include: increased opportunity to serve Him at school; provision of teachers for CRE; the confidence and inspiration to share our faith in relevant ways and the strength and capacity to deal with the demands of our different roles.Last week five of us met and we were all encouraged by how God spoke into specific situations. Even to the point of one person realising that the time change for CRE meant that they could actually teach again and not just co-ordinate!"When we were praying about the timing of CRE this year it was as if a light had suddenly been switched on and I could see clearly....The revised timing of the programme at North Cott means I can teach two classes which I haven't been able to do in the past! GOD IS GOOD! " Cathy Ward-KernanIt is amazing how when we stop and turn to each other for support, God is able to turn the light on in our lives and speak to us individually through our sharing. It seems to be that as we honestly and sometimes vulnerably share about the challenges we face at work, that we help each other see that God is right there with us.Our next meeting will be on April 3rd. If you are involved in education and would like to come along, please call Di Hooley on 0448 579 342.