A farewell to Nick and Katherine

Welcome to the brothers and sisters from Willeton this morning!This morning we are marking Nick and Katherine's time with us at St Philips and commissioning and blessing the next stage of their journey.It was hoped, by me at least, that Nick might be able to transition through the ordination training process and come and join us on a permanent basis. This was not to be. Not because Nick or I or You didn't want it but because Nick and I came to the conclusion before God that it was not right.How could that be? In God's economy not everything is rational in a human sense, not everything is pragmatic. Nick has seen this year that there are some things God is asking of him that he cannot achieve at St Philips. I agree with him and so obedience seeks first the Kingdom of God, not the desire of men. I would love Nick and Katherine to stay but that won't be happening because a good thing would be the greatest enemy of the best!I'd like you to understand the reason we are formally acknowledging, in a symbolic way, the Lockwoods finishing here and the beginning in Willeton today.Some years ago Cheryl and I left a ministry under false pretences. In leaving, we fully intended to return. Not only did we not return but once I had walked out the gate I knew I never would. I just neglected to tell Cheryl. Thus began the two most difficult years of our lives together. It wasn't until we "closed" the old that together we could "begin" the new. Those of us in blended families know the challenges of not being able to close the past as they open the new. It is always difficult. This morning we are celebrating the Lockwoods' time with us but we are also closing with them so with no strings attached they can move on unencumbered to what God has for them next. This is not carelessly cutting them loose, it is giving them unencumbered liberty borne of love and appreciation.I have loved working with Nick and travelling in our growth together.To have a constructive collegial relationship has made this year one of the most enjoyable since I have been at St Philips. I thank Nick for his contribution to me. I look forward to having an Associate to work with in the future so we can enjoy the positive impact of collegiality.Nick will go to Willeton with our blessing and prayers. I pray his ministry and family will flourish there.Blessings to them!In Jesus' AdventureMalcolm