What Matters to You?
"What Matters to You?"(Mal) Well, Nick here we are somewhere over the Great Australian Bight; are you wondering about anything in particular?(Nick) I'm wondering what really matters... We seem to think it really matters that a Rolls Royce plane engine blows up; like that REALLY matters but when I think about studying theology or leading a Church, it sort of feels like those things don't really matter much in the scheme of things.(Mal) So what really matters is life and death?(Nick) Hey??!(Mal) Plane engines blowing up, the consequences are potential death. So as a Christian, we are just those who keep the body alive? But the God who created us says those things are of little importance compared with knowing Him...?(Nick) Yeah, how long I live, how comfortably I live, how significant I am in doing what I do; it matters to me and the world much more than what God says matters.(Mal) So, what in your opinion really matters to you at 30 starting out as Christian leader in a pretty wobbly world?(Nick) When it comes down to me... I guess God is number one: what's He want of me? What are my primary responsibilities to him? Though I often lose myself to dreams of owning a mini cooper and watching movies on my iPhone, I know I can only work out what God wants in relationship to others. This is from left field I know, but you know what Mal, I think my greatest fear is that I might die alone. It's just one of those funny things about me that when I feel most afraid, most exposed, most helpless, that's when I withdraw the most ; from God and other people.(Mal) So, you look pretty on top of things, is that a sham?(Nick) No, people who think that just really don't know me; who knows others fears and struggles really? Look when it comes to life, I'd really like to love others and care enough to really, really know who they are - fears, struggles, joys and all - and not let my helplessness (which I hate) and fears get in the way.(Mal) So while you look competent that's not what it's about for you?(Nick) No, it's not about being competent at all, I probably hide behind that if that's what you see. It's about letting God form me, like Jesus submitted to his Father and that's unnerving.(Mal) So how would you like to be remembered?(Nick) I reckon I'd lived my life ok if I had a real confidence in God’s love for me and if those who I want to know me the best - Katherine and the girls - can say they do know the real me.(Mal) What about in your ministry?(Nick) Well those things are my ministry but I'd want God to have used me so that others had been drawn near to an authentic relationship with Jesus through something they'd seen in me; something that He had put there.(Mal) Hey, there's Melbourne down there. That was a good way to make time fly.Up in the Air...Malcolm and Nicholas