It's only housekeeping?
The first letter to the Corinthians ends with some important housekeeping. The biggest challenge of housekeeping is that it's just not "sexy". Sure there is the odd person who just loves cleaning house but not many. It's routine, often not noticed, not the end of the world if it's left another day and frequently unappreciated.But it is essential for well being and good functioning of those who live there.I recall a situation when I lived in Community. We did mission work and paid work to survive. We were poor and it was tough. When we came home after long hot days at labouring work we were met at the door by Kath. She had a way of greeting us, offering us a seat and a cuppa and showing an appreciative interest in our contribution to the common purpose. I thank God for Kath up until this day.Doing the housework is vital, but not many of us are interested. Who wants to pay bills, administer the budget, pull the belt in? We'd rather do our own things or innovative things or new things; "sexy" things. I would anyway.In Melbourne recently I was at a very fine church where the conference I was attending was held. For twenty years St Hilary's was pastored by a man of the highest capability and standing in the Melbourne Anglican community. He's an author, visionary thinker and mentor. He is also helping us scout for an Associate since there are few options available in WA at this time. I bumped into Peter at the conference.Dressed in working clothes, towelling hat and boots with a nailbag around his middle. I asked what he was doing?"I'm one of the REDs", he said."what are the reds?", I asked."Retired and Extremely Dangerous", he retorted.A cooperative group of men who take responsibility to look after the plant and grounds under the oversight of a church warden. Not sexy but such an essential contribution from the ex- boss.It's interesting Corinthians finishes with housekeeping. Housekeeping about money and hospitality.Thank you to those of you who appreciate and contribute consistently to maintaining the unremarkable, the "un-sexy" stuff. It is our responsibility and it matters to God, to me and to our future more than you may ever know.Blessings