DIY Musing week - follow the prompts...
This weeks Musing has been left blank for you to create your musing.. Start now following the bullet points and using the pencil in your Pew Sheet…
- Start with an event or thing that’s happened, that has got you thinking……
- My first thoughts on this are ? (Fantastic or Ridiculous or Frustrating...)
- How am I feeling ? (be real here—happy, sad, lonely, angry ...)
- What does this feeling remind me of….is it bringing up something from the past (eg first day at school….)
- Does it feel like God is in this with me?....If yes—how?If no—is there anything in the Bible that has a similar theme; eg Prodigal son—lost, found, re-connected.
- So this event has shown me that….eg there is something I need to attend to right now or God is leading me to trust Him in this.
NicholasFeeling creative - add your musings here in the comments box below (or even email them to the office to be considered for publication in future weeks)....