DIY Musing week - follow the prompts...

This weeks Musing has been left blank for you to create your musing.. Start now following the bullet points and using the pencil in your Pew Sheet…

  1. Start with an event or thing that’s happened, that has got you thinking……
  2. My first thoughts on this are ? (Fantastic or Ridiculous or Frustrating...)
  3. How am I feeling ? (be real here—happy, sad, lonely, angry ...)
  4. What does this feeling remind me of….is it bringing up something from the past (eg first day at school….)
  5. Does it feel like God is in this with me?....If yes—how?If no—is there anything in the Bible that has a similar theme; eg Prodigal son—lost, found, re-connected.
  6. So this event has shown me that….eg there is something I need to attend to right now or God is leading me to trust Him in this.

NicholasFeeling creative - add your musings here in the comments box below (or even email them to the office to be considered for publication in future weeks)....