Baptism is about inclusion!
Welcome to worship at St Philips this morning. This is a celebration of what you and God have been up to this week.A special welcome to Lillian who has brought mum and dad and her sisters for baptism today.Lillian is the youngest of three sisters and so has something in common with all the three daughtered families at St Phils.We pray that the Godfrey family has as much joy out of being parents to three girls as Cheryl and I have had and are having. Being a part of this exclusive club means that we will remember to pray for you as we watch the girls grow just down the street.Baptism is about inclusion - not like belonging to a club - more like a marriage commitment or adoption. It's our outward symbol of saying yes to a family relationship with Jesus. It's a big deal. It doesn't make Lillian a Christian, she has to sort that when she's old enough. It is however placing her resolutely in Gods path of blessing with the obligations that come with it. Make no mistake baptism is a contract - we are in the lawyers office this morning asking the Living God to fulfill his loving purposes for Lillian. The onus is on Brian and Sophie and Lillians Godparents to nurture her into that commitment and for we neighbours to help the best we can.Cheryl and I are off on hols this afternoon for three weeks. It's been over a year since our last holiday, not because we are so martryish or hard working; simply because daughters of a certain teen age move to Melbourne, need surgery, have exams or get married right at the time you thought you'd go on holidays.This is Cheryl and my first holiday without kids.Think of us staring at each other over the table confronting yet more change and another new "life stage". I imagine we will moon about for about 5 minutes before we go "yippee", get the canoes, fishing rods, walking boots, BBQ, bikes and golf stick out and get on with the next adventure. Goodness, one day it could be grand kids! Inconceivable!(pun).Churches like families go through stages. It feels like St Philips is growing and being pruned at the same time. We are working, I believe, more participatively and cooperatively together since the Open Space weekend. I am enjoying the wide ranging input of many people as our "what next" unfolds. We are doing it together, which is fun.Enjoy listening to Pam, Steve Pivetta and Nick in our absence. Any pastoral needs or emergencies should be directed to Pam.Gods Favour and Peace be YoursMalcolm