HAPPY EASTER - it will be alright

Happy Easter Everyone. I was struck on Thursday how many of us sort of "crumble" into Easter out of a busy, busy life.Some of you have undoubtedly crumbled in here today with little or no chance to reflect on Easter's significance, I'm obviously thinking very much about Jesus entry into Jerusalem, how the followers are gathered and the future is outlined and how very soon things start going very much down hill. As it unravels I notice two things that give me confidence, firstly, Jesus throughout the whole ordeal is always in control. Secondly, he spends most of his time protecting and assuring  his mates and matesses.It will be alright even if it isn't alright.Our distraction and crumbling doesn't impact the fact of his resurrected presence. Faith in action stops to recognise Jesus. That's why it's great you are here today. Life is not alright when our relationships are rubbish, we are rushing headlong or people and circumstances are tough. Jesus death and resurrection restores the big relationship between God and me. As Paul says, if God is for me, what can people, life, circumstances, the world, do to me?I've spent half my working life in the presence of serious human trauma. I know what death and mayhem looks like. I sat with the chaplains after the Port Arthur massacre. It ain't like the movies folks! I know what "not alright" looks like - but I also know what resurrection looks like. I have seen people go through the fires of life and be seriously singed but emerge resurrected.Easter is my favourite time because it reminds me what God is doing all the time; scraping off the muck and putting us back on our feet again. This isn't our effort alone, it's hard to explain how Jesus comes alongside and helps, he is the resurrection and the life after all.Some people recognise him and some don't. He's there for all but not all see him.Hope - which in the bible actually means a one hundred percent sure thing - begins when you start looking for Jesus at work in your life.Do you recognise him today? He is alive and risen and working right here, right now, you know. Is He working in you? Do you recognise Him at work?He is generally busiest where things are unravelling and a crucifixion might be just around the corner.I love it when people want to catch up and explore life, so please note the phone numbers and give me a call.Be great to hear from you.Happy EasterMalcolm