What is vital for a church's long life?
Archbishop Roger Herft, May 8th - St Philips Centenary Day
Malcolm Potts, May 1st - Who's got the body?
My way or Jesus' way? That is the question.
We are turning 100!
Centenary Celebrations Invitation - 8th May
Malcolm Potts, April 24th - What happened on Easter Day?
Malcolm Potts, April 22nd - Good Friday
Take time to reflect this Easter
Malcolm Potts, April 17th - Palm Sunday
I Love Reading
Pam Kerruish, April 10th - Life out of Death
Malcolm Potts, April 3rd - The little people of Lent
Wondering about the future
Musings from the wilderness
Malcolm Potts, March 27th - A Baptism Service
God uses humility! Doesn't He?
Steve Pivetta, March 20th - Continues learning from the Colossians
Steve Pivetta, March 13th - Learning from the Colossians
Rich promises (too good for me?)