Nick Lockwood Oct 10th – Dating, Marriage & More Podcast, SermonSherrie YapOctober 10, 2010Nick LockwoodComment
Malcolm Potts Oct 3rd - Outside in or Inside Out Podcast, SermonSherrie YapOctober 3, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Malcolm Potts October 17th - What sort of water are we swimming in? Podcast, SermonSherrie YapOctober 1, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Malcolm Potts Sept 26th - God is bigger than our expectations Podcast, SermonSherrie YapSeptember 26, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Malcolm Potts Sept 23rd - Finding Wisdom in Corinth Podcast, SermonSherrie YapSeptember 24, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Malcolm Potts Sept 12th - Understanding Corinth Podcast, SermonSherrie YapSeptember 12, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Nick Lockwood Aug 29th – The Challenge of God’s Wisdom Podcast, SermonSherrie YapSeptember 1, 2010Nick LockwoodComment
Steve Pivetta (CMS) Aug 22nd – Barnabas, Son of Encouragement Podcast, SermonSherrie YapAugust 22, 2010Steve PivettaComment
Malcolm Potts & Others Aug 8th – Your Testimony Podcast, SermonSherrie YapAugust 8, 2010Cathy Kiernan, Dianne Hooley, Malcolm Potts, Nick Lockwood, Sally Howe Comment
Malcolm Potts Aug 1st - The Testimony of the Church Podcast, SermonSherrie YapAugust 1, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Malcolm Potts July 25th – A Personal testimony Podcast, SermonSherrie YapJuly 25, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Malcolm Potts July 18th - The Nation's Testimony Podcast, SermonSherrie YapJuly 18, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Trevor Parry July 4th - Staying fresh and green Podcast, SermonSherrie YapJuly 4, 2010Trevor ParryComment
Malcolm Potts June 27th - Don’t give up the work God has called us into Podcast, SermonSherrie YapJune 27, 2010Malcolm PottsComment
Nick Lockwood June 20th - Tell them what God has done for you Podcast, SermonPhil HirstJune 20, 2010Nick LockwoodComment
Don West 30th May - Trinity Theological College Principal Podcast, SermonPhil HirstMay 30, 2010Don WestComment